Fundamental analysis of two stock market symbols: Khabazras and Gohran.
Report on the activities of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Engineering and Industrial Inspection Company for the fiscal year ending in 2024.
Khabazras's net profit is 129 billion rials, its capital is 150 billion rials, and its total shareholders' equity is 539 billion rials.
The company has realized a profit of 862 rials per share, and the accumulated profit of the main company is 271 billion rials and the accumulated profit in the group is 408 billion rials.
The increase in the company's income is due to the extension of the contract with the Bid Boland Refinery Company in Esfand 1402 and the extension of the contract with the Arvand Petrochemical Company in Farvardin 1403 and the receipt of appropriate adjustments.
The company's non-operating income is related to the rent received from the German branch and interest on bank deposits and the sale of a number of surplus containers.
Two Iranian Engineering Inspection Companies (Khabzars is 99.96% owned by the Inspectorate) and Tadbir Saman Atlas Iranian Building Engineering Technical Inspection Company (Khabzars is 100% owned by the Inspectorate and its liquidation is underway) are subsidiaries and affiliates of Khabzars.
The company has branches in Japan, China, the UAE, Turkey, Germany, Russia and Brazil.
42 contracts and addenda worth approximately 1899,603 million rials and 623,211 euros have been obtained.
The company's sales, administrative and general expenses are 316 billion rials and the company has 6 legal cases underway and the payment to the company's government is 107 billion rials.
In order to cover the liquidity deficit, Khabzars Company has two processes on the agenda: collecting current and annual receivables from employers and increasing capital.
Report on the activities of the Board of Directors of Gohran Omid Development Investment Company until the fiscal year 2024.
Gohran's net profit increased by 10% to 9032 billion rials, operating income increased by 11% to 9597 billion rials, and earnings per share reached 903 rials.
The increase in the company's liabilities was due to an increase in dividends paid and a 13% increase in shareholders' equity in the light of a 10% increase in net profit.
The profit from the company's investments is 4644 billion rials.
The company's net asset value is about 45 thousand billion rials and p/nav is about 100 at the end of the fiscal year.
Omid Investment Management Group is a major shareholder, owning more than 84% of the company's shares.
The company ranks 16th among 29 investment companies in terms of capital and 13th in terms of market value.
The company's payments to the government and government-affiliated institutions are 145 billion rials.
The company has donated 200 thousand billion rials to the Kahrizak Charity Foundation as part of its social responsibilities.