Technical analysis of the stock market today, Sunday, September 29, 2024


Technical analysis of the stock market today, Sunday, September 29, 2024

Technical analysis of the stock market today, Sunday, September 29, 2024


The total index of the stock market finally calmed down today with a decrease of 8174 units on the channel of 2 million 146 thousand 848 units.


Important news for the stock market today:

1- The 19th coin auction of the exchange center will be held on Monday (October 9) with the sale of all kinds of coins.


2- The Board of Directors of Elixir Pharmaceutical Company approved the capital increase of 405% of this company in order to modify the financial structure.


3- Chedan goes to the assembly: the general assembly meeting of this company will be held at 09:00 on Wednesday, 07/18/1403.


4- The permission to increase the capital of 429% of Zagoldasht was issued from the current demands of the shareholders and cash receipts


5- Ghouita, in order to check the publisher's information transparency status, the trading symbol will be suspended until 07/18/1403 at the latest.


6- Hezbollah officially announced the martyrdom of Seyyed Hassan Nasraullah


7- At the end of tomorrow's trading, the symbols of Kisson and Nian will be stopped to hold the meeting on Tuesday.



Queues for buying and selling in pre-opening

Number of symbols in the shopping queue: 50 symbols Value of shopping queues: 489.7 billion tomans


Number of symbols in the selling queue: 522 symbols Value of sales queues: 2647.7 billion tomans




Market report:

Total index today, October 8, 1403

Total index: 2 million 137 thousand 971 units A decrease of 8877 units equivalent to negative 0.41 percent


Total weighted-value price index: 415,787 units A decrease of 1726 units equivalent to negative 0.41 percent


Total equal weight index: 703 thousand 682 units A decrease of 1742 units equivalent to minus 0.25 percent


Equal weight price index: 375,681 units A decrease of 930 units equivalent to minus 0.25 percent


Free floating index: 2 million 717 thousand 539 units A decrease of 12015 units equivalent to negative 0.44 percent


First market index: 1 million 639 thousand 913 units A decrease of 8351 units equivalent to negative 0.51 percent


Second market index: 4 million 76 thousand 783 units A decrease of 12472 units equivalent to minus 0.30 percent


Index of retail shareholders today, October 8, 1403

(asset value index of shareholders with assets less than 10 billion tomans)


Index of retail shareholders: 113,877 units A decrease of 659 units equivalent to negative 0.58 percent


Value and volume of transactions

Number of transactions: 177,283 transactions


Value of transactions: 53 thousand and 74 billion Rials


Volume of transactions: 8 billion and 568 million securities


Dollar value of the stock market

Market dollar value: $141 billion


Influential symbols

7 symbols influencing the total index of the stock market: Femli, Foulad, Shasta, Nouri, Shapna, Vaghdir, Parsan


Queues of buying and selling

Number of symbols in the shopping queue: 123 symbols Value of shopping queues: 3896 billion tomans

The heaviest shopping ranks: Vepars, Vahiya, Parsian


The number of symbols in the queue for sale: 387 symbols Value of sales queues: 11996 billion tomans

The heaviest ranks of sales: Rampana, Moj, Darakam


Market buying and selling per capita

Purchase per capita: 41.8 million tomans


Sales per capita: 51.6 million tomans


Top supply and demand

3 symbols with the highest demand in the stock market: Vepars, Wahiya, Parsian


3 symbols with the highest supply in the stock market: Rampana, Zob, Tfars


The highest and lowest price

3 symbols with the highest price increase in the stock market: Parsian, Vepars, and Venvin


3 symbols with the biggest price reduction in the stock market: Tamskan, Petair, and Vepetro


Entry and exit of real money:

Amount of real money withdrawal: 853 billion tomans


3 symbols with the most real money inflows: Fazer, Vasher, Haseena


3 symbols with the highest withdrawal of real money: Webmelet, steel, automobile