Technical analysis of the group of car manufacturers in the stock market


Technical analysis of the group of car manufacturers in the stock market

Technical analysis of the group of car manufacturers in the stock market


In the technical analysis of the Automobile Manufacturers Group by the experts of Lidoma analyst software team, they stated that the monthly sales report of the Automobile Manufacturers Group, which includes 6 symbols, and the performance of the symbols of this group have been analyzed as follows:



The highest and lowest amount of sales in May?

Icon of the car with sales of 24,666.2 billion tomans and Khakaveh with sales of 11.5 billion tomans had the lowest sales in May.


The highest and lowest sales growth compared to the same period last year

In May, the car experienced a 71% sales growth compared to April last year, and therefore the highest sales growth was attributed to this brand. In this group, Khakave had the worst performance with a drop of 98%.


The biggest growth and decline compared to the 12-month average

Khazamiya was named the best symbol with a 37% increase in sales compared to the average of 12 months. Also, Khakaveh sales experienced a 97% drop compared to the 12-month average sales in May, and therefore had the worst performance in this regard.


Spring sales compared to spring

By the end of May, Khodro was able to cover 51% of the total spring sales of last year and had the best performance in this respect, and Khakave had the worst performance by covering only 2% of the total spring sales of last year.


A few more points:

The best sales performance in this group belonged to Khodro and Khasapa.

Overall, the worst sales performance belonged to Khakaveh.

The sales of all brands except for cars and groceries decreased in May compared to the same period last year.

All symbols sold more compared to April, but still the performance of cars and Khasapa has been better.