Fundamental Analysis of Petrol Stock Returns


Fundamental Analysis of Petrol Stock Returns

Fundamental Analysis of Petrol Stock Returns


Petrol is one of the stock market symbols that has experienced about 31 percent growth in the last month, and the most important news about this stock was its return to the first market of the stock market. Petrol is a stock that is known for its high-potential non-stock market portfolio.

Petrol is a symbol that is known for its high-potential non-stock market portfolio, and in recent years, it has made smart and economic investments in the country's exclusive projects, and every day it is getting closer and closer to the time of full exploitation of these projects.


Exclusive Projects of the Petroleum Investment Portfolio

Some of the most important exclusive projects of the Petroleum Investment Portfolio are as follows:


Production of polyethylene product at Ilam Petrochemical

Methylamine product at Negin Songor Chemical Industries

Styrene butadiene rubber production at Sadaf Persian Gulf Petrochemical


7.82 Hemat Cost of Petroleum Investments

The Petroleum Investment Portfolio shows that the company's major stock market investment is in the chemical products industry, and the cost of its portfolio is 2.88 Hemat in listed companies. Also, the major non-stock market investment of Petroleum is in the chemical materials and products industry, and the cost of the non-stock market portfolio is 4.94 Hemat at the end of November this year. In total, at the end of November 1403, the cost of petroleum investments was reported at 7.82 trillion Tomans.


The most profitable investments in the petrol stock market

The market value of the petrol stock market basket at the end of November 1403 was 16.8 hemats. The most profitable investments in the petrol stock market are:


Kermanshah Petrochemical; Converting 181 billion tomans of initial investment into 4.76 hemats!


Jam Petrochemical: Converting 218 billion tomans of initial investment into 3.98 hemats!


Shiraz Petrochemical: Converting 75.5 billion tomans of initial investment into 1.26 hemats!


Mamamsani Petrochemical: Converting 109 billion tomans of initial investment into 1.12 hemats!


Lordegan Petrochemical: Converting 744 billion tomans of 2.91 hemats!ض