Tehran Stock Exchange Multi-Stock Fundamental Analysis


Tehran Stock Exchange Multi-Stock Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental Analysis of Multi-Stock Stock Exchange


Exploitation of New Nakhris Plans and Projects

The forecast of the impact of the plan to develop and produce various types of fabrics on the profit and loss statement for the fiscal year ending in 2024 is equivalent to a sales volume of 134,518 square meters and a gross profit of 38,703 million rials; and it is predicted that for the aforementioned plan in 1404, a sales volume of 538,072 square meters and a sales volume of 484,438 million rials will be realized.


Auditor and Statutory Inspector's Opinion on the Board of Directors' Explanatory Report on the Capital Increase of Ghamino

The auditor and statutory inspector's opinion on the capital increase explanatory report dated the end of 2024 of the Board of Directors of Ghamino Company was presented, stating that it was necessary to increase the capital from 2,700,000,000,000 Rials to 4,904,720,000,000 Rials from the surplus of the revaluation of assets in order to reform the financial structure, improve the ownership ratio, and comply with paragraph 33 of Accounting Standard 11 on the revaluation period. The aforementioned capital increase is subject to the approval of the Securities and Exchange Organization and the approval of the Extraordinary General Assembly.


Auditor and Statutory Inspector's Opinion on the Board of Directors' Explanatory Report on the Capital Increase of Kachhad

The auditor and statutory inspector's opinion on the capital increase explanatory report dated December 2024 of the Board of Directors of Kachhad Company, stating the need to increase the capital from 371,500,000,000,000 Rials to 515,000,000,000,000 Rials from the current claims of shareholders and cash contributions, retained earnings for the purpose of Chador Malo Mining and Industrial Company (Public Joint Stock) from the capital increase, the subject of this report, to achieve long-term goals, is as follows: 1- Providing part of the resources needed to complete the development plans under implementation, including; A: Construction of a combined cycle power plant with a nominal capacity of 546 MWh - EPC B: Construction of a solar power plant with a capacity of 100 MWh C: Preparation of a new iron ore mine (Anomaly A10) 2- Compensation of expenses incurred for participation in the capital increase of investable companies 3- Participation in the ongoing capital increase of investable companies was presented. The aforementioned capital increase is subject to the approval of the Securities and Exchange Organization and the approval of the Extraordinary General Assembly.


Obtaining permission to change more than 10% in the selling price of products or the provision of services of Ghvita

Paying attention to the increase in the price of raw materials including flour, oil, sugar, powdered milk, various essential oils and wrappers and containers, etc. In order to continue its activities and production and the ability of the company to fulfill its obligations, the company increased the price of biscuits in different flavors and sizes, including 37 types of products (98044 Tomans to 124630 Tomans). Taking into account the inventory of goods produced in the factory and distribution centers, the new prices will be applied gradually and within a period of one month.


Acceptance of new commitments of hope

Acceptance of the commitment to underwrite (subject of Article 29, Article 1 of the Securities Market Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran) Murabaha bonds of the National Real Estate and Deeds Registration Organization with the symbol (Arad 191) and the National Prisons and Security and Educational Measures Organization with the symbol (Arad 191) have been issued to provide the liquidity needed to purchase goods and services required by the executive agencies, with the guarantee of the National Planning and Budget Organization and with the sales agency of the Independent Trading Station of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran at an annual interest rate of 23 percent (payment every six months from the date of issuance of the bonds). The total income from the commitment to underwrite the aforementioned bonds was 847, 402, 396, 525 rials, which was recognized at the time of underwriting.


Farak boiler supply in the secondary market of the Iranian Commodity Exchange Company

Dated December 2024, the Iranian Commodity Exchange Company informs the public of the request to accept the boiler product in the amount of 140 units from that esteemed company, after reviewing the documents and documentation, the acceptance and supply of this product in the secondary market of the Iranian Commodity Exchange Company was approved by the in-person auction method, taking into account the 6-month deadline for exemption from the re-acceptance process. It should be noted that according to the instructions for accepting goods and commodity-based securities, the supply of the accepted product will be possible 2 days after the prospectus is posted on the Commodity Exchange website.


Kodal Pars

The styrene monomer production unit of Pars Petrochemical Company will have a production stop for 5 days from Friday, December 2024 due to annual service and maintenance operations.


Board of Directors' Proposal to the Extraordinary General Assembly Regarding Capital and Trade Increase

Explanatory Report of the Board of Directors to Propose an Increase in Capital and Trade from 335,889,190,500,000 Rials to 1,511,838,405