A meeting of scientific consensus on new financial and investment approaches


A meeting of scientific consensus on new financial and investment approaches

A meeting of scientific consensus on new financial and investment approaches

Scientific consensus conference of university and Lidoma analyst software company focused on modern financial and investment approaches was held on 06/01/2023 with the presence of financial and investment scientific experts.

In this regard, Dr. Mehrdad Salehi, CEO of Lidoma Analyzer Software Company, stated that for several years, universities have faced problems in providing their necessary financial resources. Of course, this crisis is not a new issue and has always existed, but in recent years due to The economy of the country became more tangible. In the meantime, the emergence of universities that were able to secure their financial resources by receiving tuition fees from students began with the Islamic Azad University. A university that was born in the early 60s in Iran and first tried to increase the capacity in university education and by building a university in the farthest parts of the country, it not only created the opportunity for the majority of applicants to enter the university, but in recent years, it has also become the leader of postgraduate education and It became the third generation to prosper the university. But for some time, the administrators of this university have taken a keyword called "non-tuition income" in order to take an effective step in reducing the tuition fee and making it free for candidates, along with educating students in various levels from bachelor's degree to specialized doctorate and medical fields. To the extent that in the announcement of Mehr 2017, it brought a 50% reduction in tuition fees for some candidates in deprived areas of the country.
But on the other hand, according to the law, public universities are obliged to take measures to generate income and reduce reliance on the government budget, to the extent that, based on the resolution of 12 April 1962, the government board established the office of communication with industry in the Ministry of Science, and after that in the years Recently, we saw the creation of science and technology parks, knowledge-based companies, but this issue has not yet flourished in public universities. On the other hand, Islamic Azad University has successfully reduced the income from students' tuition fees and turned towards providing financial resources in other ways. More than 9 faculty members of different universities presented their suggestions and criticisms to increase the non-tuition income as much as possible and reduce the tuition fees of the students in a conversation with the "intellectuals".