The total index of Tehran Stock Exchange today, September 30, 2023:


The total index of Tehran Stock Exchange today, September 30, 2023:

The total index of Tehran Stock Exchange today, September 30, 2023:

Total index: two million 84 thousand 576 units A decrease of 13399 units equivalent to negative 0.64 percent
Total weighted-value price index: 443 thousand 46 units A decrease of 2847 units equivalent to negative 0.64 percent
Total equal weight index: 715 thousand and 316 units A decrease of 3309 units equivalent to negative 0.46 percent
Equal weight price index: 406,454 units A decrease of 1880 units equivalent to negative 0.46 percent
Free floating index: two million 679 thousand 258 units A decrease of 19,900 units equivalent to negative 0.74 percent
First market index: one million 571 thousand 716 units A decrease of 14931 units equivalent to negative 0.94 percent
Second market index: 4 million 58 thousand 458 units A decrease of 11975 units equivalent to negative 0.29 percent
Index of retail shareholders today, October 8, 1402
(asset value index of shareholders with assets less than 10 billion tomans)
Index of small shareholders: 126 thousand 676 units A decrease of 904 units equivalent to negative 0.71 percent
Value and volume of transactions
Number of transactions: 444 thousand 304 transactions
Value of transactions: 54 thousand 172 billion Rials
Trading volume: 7 billion and 439 million securities
Dollar value of the stock market
Market dollar value: $187 billion
Influential symbols
7 symbols influencing the total index of the stock market: Femli, Foulad, Shabandar, Webmelet, Shepna, Fars, Akhabar.
Buying and selling queues
Number of symbols in shopping queue: 55 symbols | Value of shopping queues: 156.6 billion tomans
The heaviest shopping ranks: Zemlard, Hafars, Vars.
Number of symbols in sales queue: 66 symbols | Value of sales queues: 382.5 billion tomans
The heaviest ranks of sales: Metal, Fenerzhi, Shastan.
Market buying and selling per capita
Purchase per capita: 24.6 million tomans
Sales per capita: 23.9 million tomans
Top supply and demand
3 symbols with the highest demand in the stock market: Hafars, Kassapa, Pedraksh.
3 symbols with the highest supply in the stock market: Abad, Thaman, Qashhad.
The highest and lowest price
3 symbols with the highest price increase in the stock market: Farvar, Ghashsafa.
3 symbols with the biggest price reduction in the stock market: Katbas, Khazamiya, Sakhzar.
Entry and exit of real money:
Amount of real money withdrawal: 288 billion tomans
3 symbols with the most real money entry: Goldira, Farawar, Pakvir.
3 symbols with the highest withdrawal of real money: Vatjarat, Steel, and Shahr.