Analysis of the Annual General Meeting of Toka Rail Company


Analysis of the Annual General Meeting of Toka Rail Company

According to Lidoma's analysis report, the Annual General Meeting of Toka Rail Company was held in person and online with the presence of 74.25% of shareholders, the representative of the stock exchange organization, the representative of the audit institute and the legal inspector and supervisors, chaired by Mr. Shafizadeh, Mr. Saeed Bakhsh, the CEO of the company. They presented the company's activities for the financial year ending on March 29, 1401 as follows:


Actions taken by the company

Signing a contract for major repairs of wagons and monitoring and controlling its completion at the appointed time.

Pursuing the removal of wagon stops at various railway stations due to repairs.

Pursuing an increase in the availability of wagons up to 95%.

Obtaining the adjustment of the contract of the Saba road project by 55% and the railway transport of Mobarake Steel by about 30%.

Conclusion of a new contract for management operations and maintenance and repairs of the railway line of Mobarake Steel Company.

Obtaining a license to import 4,000 wheels from the Ministry of Security.

Obtaining a license to import 80 locomotives.

The purchase of the second unit of the coach in Shirin building located in Tehran from Rahavar Niro company.

Pursuing the increase of readiness factor of locomotives at the disposal of Rahavar Niro Aria Company.

Investigating and evaluating investment and development plans, including the increase of 100 short edge wagons, the purchase of 80 imported locomotives, and the construction of a maintenance depot plan.

Participation in the capital increase of Rahvar Niro Aria Company from the amount of 100 billion Rials to 2,000 billion Rials by the amount of 1900% and Asia Sir Ara Company regarding the increase of capital from the amount of 800 billion Rials to 1800 billion Rials.

Toka Rail company's capital increase from 3.200 billion Rials to 7.000 billion Rials, equivalent to 119% of the solution of the accumulated profit and the use of tax exemptions of the budget law of the year 1401 of the whole country.