Analysis of Khagstar in Iran Stock Exchange


Analysis of Khagstar in Iran Stock Exchange

The analysis of Khagstar as a financial institution and one of the largest holdings in the country is analyzed in this article. Iran Khodro Investment Development Company was established with the aim of investing in manufacturing, commercial and monetary companies to serve the supply chain of Iran Khodro Industrial Group. Taking advantage of the global reputation of Iran Khodro Industrial Group, this company has invested in the leasing, banking and insurance industries while investing and managing in some assembly and component manufacturing companies in the automobile industry. In this article, the fundamental analysis of Khagstar and the calculation of the NAV of this company's shares have been discussed.

Khagstar's position in the industry

Iran Khodro Investment Development Company, as the largest holding company of Iran Khodro Industrial Group, plays a significant role in advancing the goals and strategies of Iran Khodro Industrial Group.

The distribution and sale of parts and production sets of the covered companies in the after-sales service (AM) market is done through the main customer's parts supplier company (based on intra-group announcements). Therefore, the main markets of the companies covered by the supply of production lines (OEM) are Iran Khodro Industrial Group. Khagstar operates in the field of domestic and foreign market products (cars) and in the service, financial and economic fields of domestic market customers, including areas related to the issuance of various insurance policies, leasing, validation, collection of claims and short-term investment in shares of listed companies.

Capital and composition of Khagstar shareholders

In Khagstar's analysis, the initial capital of the company at the beginning of its establishment was 1 million rials. The capital of the company reached 39,605 million Tomans after 5 stages of capital increase. 94% of the company's capital increase was from revaluation. The last stage of Khagstar's capital increase in 2018 was equal to 1550% and was the result of the revaluation of investments.

Iran Khodro Industrial Group owns nearly 42% of Khagstar shares and is the major shareholder of this company. The table below shows the shareholders above one percent of Iran Khodro Investment Development Company.

Surplus value of stock market portfolio in Khagstar analysis

While diversifying his investment portfolio, Khagstar has taken measures to reduce the risk of single sector investment and in addition, he has dedicated a part of his professional activity to the money and capital market. Khagstar's portfolio can be seen below. The total surplus value of the stock exchange portfolio of this company on March 8, 2022 is more than 11 thousand 500 billion Tomans.

Khagstar's EPS in fiscal year 1400 was equal to 114 rials. The retrospective ratio of Khagstar's analysis in this financial year is 23. The company's P/E increased to 103 units in the 9-month period of 2022. The following table shows other financial ratios such as P/S and P/B ratio in Khagstar's fundamental analysis in the past financial periods. The net and gross profit margin of the company can also be seen in this table. As can be seen, the company's net profit margin in the 9-month period of 1401 was equal to 101%.